Books are linked to the publisher’s website, where possible.
- #
- 8vo: On the outside, Hamish Muir, Mark Holt
- A
- A *New* Program for Graphic Design, David Reinfurt
- A Dictionary of Color Combinations, Sanzo Wada
- A Fortunate Man, John Berger, Jean Mohr
- A Primer of Visual Literacy, Doris A. Dondis
- A Year with Swollen Appendices, Brian Eno
- About Graphic Design, Richard Hollis
- Adrian Henri: Total Artist, Catherine Marcangeli
- Alison Turnbull: Sea the Stars
- All information correct at the time of going to press, Stuart Bailey, Daniel Eatock
- Alphabets, Wim Crouwel
- Alpine Spoilers, Kate Morrell
- Anthony Froshaug: Typography & texts / Documents of a life, Robin Kinross
- Archizines, Elias Redstone
- Artists’ Cocktails, Ryan Gander
- Autoprogettazione?, Enzo Mari
- B
- Bart Simpson’s Guide to Life
- Boooook: The Life and Work of Bob Cobbing, William Cobbing, Rosie Cooper
- Born in Flames, Kaisa Lassinaro
- Bricks from the Kiln #1, Matthew Stuart, Andrew Lister
- Bricks from the Kiln #2, Matthew Stuart, Andrew Lister
- British Rail Corporate Identity Manual
- Build: Blood, Sweat & 11 Years, Michael C. Place
- C
- Center for Advanced Visual Studies, David Reinfurt
- Colors, Antonio Ladrillo
- Control #18, Stephen Willats
- Copy This Book: An artist’s guide to copyright, Eric Schrijver
- D
- Dear Lulu, Hochschule Darmstadt / Practise
- Design as Art, Bruno Munari
- Design for the Real World, Victor Papanek
- Designing books: practice and theory, Jost Hochuli
- Designing Programmes, Karl Gerstner
- Designing Type, Karen Cheng
- Designing Universal Knowledge (The World as Flatland – Report 1), Gerlinde Schuller
- Detail in Typography, Jost Hochuli
- Die Kunst der Typographie, Paul Renner
- Dot Dot Dot 8, Stuart Bailey, Peter Biľak
- Dot Dot Dot 9, Stuart Bailey, Peter Biľak
- Dot Dot Dot 10, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 12, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 13, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 14, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 15, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 16, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 17, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 18, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dot Dot Dot 20, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
- Dressed in Black: Spektrum and Lothar Reher, Adrien Vasquez, Wayne Daly
- E
- Edges of the Experiment: The Making of the American Landscape, Marie-José Jongerius
- Ellen Altfest: Painting Close-Up, Anthony Spira
- Encyclopaedia of typefaces, Jaspert, Berry and Johnson
- Extended Caption (DDDG), Stuart Bailey
- F
- Folk Archive, Jeremy Deller
- Footnotes issue A
- Form+code in design, art, and architecture, Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST
- Forms of Inquiry Annex, Zak Kyes, Capucine Perrot
- Forms of Inquiry Reading Room, Zak Kyes, Mark Owens
- Forms of Inquiry: The Architecture of Critical Graphic Design, Zak Kyes, Mark Owens
- G
- Good Services: How to design services that work, Lou Downe
- Graphic #9: Werkplaats Typografie Special Issue
- Graphic #37: Introduction to Computation
- Graphic Design in America, Phil Freshman, Mildred Friedman
- Graphic Design: A Concise History, Richard Hollis
- Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011), Sara De Bondt, Catherine de Smet
- Graphic Design: Now in Production, Ellen Lupton, Andrew Blauvelt
- Graphic Thought Facility, Zoë Ryan
- Grid systems in graphic design, Josef Müller-Brockmann
- Grid Systems: Principles of Organizing Type, Kimberly Elam
- H
- Heaven is Real: John Maus and the Truth of Pop, Adam Harper
- Helvetica: Homage to a Typeface, Lars Müller
- Henry van de Velde: The Artist as Designer, Richard Hollis
- How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul, Adrian Shaughnessy
- I
- Imprint, Daniel Eatock
- In Alphabetical Order, Stuart Bailey
- Inside Paragraphs: Typographic Fundamentals, Cyrus Highsmith
- J
- Jan Tschichold: a life in typography, Ruari McLean
- John Baldessari: Pure Beauty, Leslie Jones, Jessica Morgan
- K
- Karel Martens: Motion, Chris Fitzpatrick
- L
- Le Théâtre Graphique, Sarah Boris
- Learning from Las Vegas, Steven Izenour, Denise Scott Brown, Robert Venturi
- Letraset: Graphic Design Handbook
- M
- Materials, Process, Print, Daniel Mason
- Max Bill: Form, Function, Beauty = Gestalt, Max Bill
- Maximage Formula Guide: Special Colors for Offset Printing, Maximage
- Models & Constructs, Norman Potter
- Modern typography, Robin Kinross
- Monty Python’s Big Red Book, Monty Python
- Multiple Signatures, Michael Rock
- Muriel Cooper, Robert Wiesenberger, David Reinfurt
- Museum Pictorial, Kate Morrell
- My Grandfather’s Tree, Max Lamb
- Mythologies, Roland Barthes
- N
- NO-ISBN: on self-publishing, Agnes Blaha, Leo Findeisen, Bernhard Cella
- Nomadic Furniture, James Hennessey, Victor Papanek
- Notes from the Cosmic Typewriter: The Life and Work of Dom Sylvester Houédard, Nicola Simpson
- Notes on book design, Derek Birsdall
- O
- One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design education, Luke Wood and Brad Haylock
- Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, R. Buckminster Fuller
- P
- Passion for Print: An Incomplete Glossary of Print Terms
- Peter Dreher: Just Painting, Anthony Spira and Kate Bush
- Picasso and I, Ryan Gander
- Please Come to the Show, David Senior
- Post-Digital Print – The Mutation of Publishing since 1894, Alessandro Ludovico
- Printed Matter / Drukwerk, Karel Martens
- Process: A Tomato Project, Tomato
- Publishing Manifestos
- R
- Rachel Whiteread
- Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life, Adam Greenfield
- Real Review #1
- Real Review #2
- Real Review #3
- Reprint, Karel Martens
- Richard Hollis designs for the Whitechapel, Christopher Wilson
- Richard’s Bicycle Book, Richard Ballantine
- Road and Rail Links between Sheffield and Manchester, Adam Murray
- Rock / Music / Writings, Dan Graham
- Roger Ackling: Between the Lines, Emma Kalkhoven
- S
- Seeing Things: Collected Writing on Art, Craft and Design, Alison Britton
- Seven Hundred Penguins
- Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design, Michael Bierut
- Shoplifters #8: New Type Design, Actual Source
- Shoplifters #9: DRAWINGS, Actual Source
- Solution 11-167: The Book of Scotlands, Momus
- Someday is Now: The Art of Corita Kent, Ian Berry, Michael Duncan
- SPAN: Conversations on Design & Technology, Rob Giampietro, Amber Bravo
- Spin/2: 50 Reading Lists
- Statement and Counter-Statement: Notes on Experimental Jetset, Experimental Jetset
- Studio Culture Now (2020), Mark Sinclair
- Studio Culture: The secret life of the graphic design studio, Adrian Shaughnessy
- Sugar in the Air, E. C. Large
- Super Normal: Sensations of the Ordinary, Naoto Fukasawa
- T
- The Art of Looking Sideways, Alan Fletcher
- The Artist by Himself: Self-portrait drawings from youth to old age, Joan Kinneir
- The Craftsman, Richard Sennett
- The Elements of Typographic Style, Robert Bringhurst
- The Form of the Book Book, Fraser Muggeridge, Sara De Bondt
- The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan
- The Natural Enemies of Books: A Messy History of Women in Printing and Typography, MMS
- The Portable John Latham, Antony Hudek, Athanasios Velios
- The Puffin Book of Lettering, Tom Gourdie
- The Stroke: theory of writing, Gerrit Noordzij
- The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography, Ruari McLean
- The World of Charles and Ray Eames, Catherine Ince
- Thinking with Type, Ellen Lupton
- Type Now, Fred Smeijers
- Typographica, Rick Poynor
- Typography papers #8: Modern typography in Britain: graphic design, politics, and society
- Typography: A Very Short Introduction, Paul Luna
- U
- Uncorporate Identity, Metahaven
- Unjustified texts, Robin Kinross
- W
- Ways of Hearing, Damon Krukowski
- Ways of Seeing, John Berger
- Ways of Working, Richard Hollis, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey
- What is a designer: things, places, messages, Norman Potter
- WIELS: The birth of a visual identity, Sara De Bondt
- Willem Sandberg: Portrait of an Artist, Ank Leeuw Marcar
- Wonder Years: Werkplaats Typografie, Lisette Smits