
Books are linked to the publisher’s website, where possible.

8vo: On the outside, Hamish Muir, Mark Holt
A *New* Program for Graphic Design, David Reinfurt
A Dictionary of Color Combinations, Sanzo Wada
A Fortunate Man, John Berger, Jean Mohr
A Primer of Visual Literacy, Doris A. Dondis
A Year with Swollen Appendices, Brian Eno
About Graphic Design, Richard Hollis
Adrian Henri: Total Artist, Catherine Marcangeli
Alison Turnbull: Sea the Stars
All information correct at the time of going to press, Stuart Bailey, Daniel Eatock
Alphabets, Wim Crouwel
Alpine Spoilers, Kate Morrell
Anthony Froshaug: Typography & texts / Documents of a life, Robin Kinross
Archizines, Elias Redstone
Artists’ Cocktails, Ryan Gander
Autoprogettazione?, Enzo Mari
Bart Simpson’s Guide to Life
Boooook: The Life and Work of Bob Cobbing, William Cobbing, Rosie Cooper
Born in Flames, Kaisa Lassinaro
Bricks from the Kiln #1, Matthew Stuart, Andrew Lister
Bricks from the Kiln #2, Matthew Stuart, Andrew Lister
British Rail Corporate Identity Manual
Build: Blood, Sweat & 11 Years, Michael C. Place
Center for Advanced Visual Studies, David Reinfurt
Colors, Antonio Ladrillo
Control #18, Stephen Willats
Copy This Book: An artist’s guide to copyright, Eric Schrijver
Dear Lulu, Hochschule Darmstadt / Practise
Design as Art, Bruno Munari
Design for the Real World, Victor Papanek
Designing books: practice and theory, Jost Hochuli
Designing Programmes, Karl Gerstner
Designing Type, Karen Cheng
Designing Universal Knowledge (The World as Flatland – Report 1), Gerlinde Schuller
Detail in Typography, Jost Hochuli
Die Kunst der Typographie, Paul Renner
Dot Dot Dot 8, Stuart Bailey, Peter Biľak
Dot Dot Dot 9, Stuart Bailey, Peter Biľak
Dot Dot Dot 10, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 12, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 13, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 14, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 15, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 16, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 17, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 18, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dot Dot Dot 20, Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt
Dressed in Black: Spektrum and Lothar Reher, Adrien Vasquez, Wayne Daly
Edges of the Experiment: The Making of the American Landscape, Marie-José Jongerius
Ellen Altfest: Painting Close-Up, Anthony Spira
Encyclopaedia of typefaces, Jaspert, Berry and Johnson
Extended Caption (DDDG), Stuart Bailey
Folk Archive, Jeremy Deller
Footnotes issue A
Form+code in design, art, and architecture, Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST
Forms of Inquiry Annex, Zak Kyes, Capucine Perrot
Forms of Inquiry Reading Room, Zak Kyes, Mark Owens
Forms of Inquiry: The Architecture of Critical Graphic Design, Zak Kyes, Mark Owens
Good Services: How to design services that work, Lou Downe
Graphic #9: Werkplaats Typografie Special Issue
Graphic #37: Introduction to Computation
Graphic Design in America, Phil Freshman, Mildred Friedman
Graphic Design: A Concise History, Richard Hollis
Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011), Sara De Bondt, Catherine de Smet
Graphic Design: Now in Production, Ellen Lupton, Andrew Blauvelt
Graphic Thought Facility, Zoë Ryan
Grid systems in graphic design, Josef Müller-Brockmann
Grid Systems: Principles of Organizing Type, Kimberly Elam
Heaven is Real: John Maus and the Truth of Pop, Adam Harper
Helvetica: Homage to a Typeface, Lars Müller
Henry van de Velde: The Artist as Designer, Richard Hollis
How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul, Adrian Shaughnessy
Imprint, Daniel Eatock
In Alphabetical Order, Stuart Bailey
Inside Paragraphs: Typographic Fundamentals, Cyrus Highsmith
Jan Tschichold: a life in typography, Ruari McLean
John Baldessari: Pure Beauty, Leslie Jones, Jessica Morgan
Karel Martens: Motion, Chris Fitzpatrick
Le Théâtre Graphique, Sarah Boris
Learning from Las Vegas, Steven Izenour, Denise Scott Brown, Robert Venturi
Letraset: Graphic Design Handbook
Materials, Process, Print, Daniel Mason
Max Bill: Form, Function, Beauty = Gestalt, Max Bill
Maximage Formula Guide: Special Colors for Offset Printing, Maximage
Models & Constructs, Norman Potter
Modern typography, Robin Kinross
Monty Python’s Big Red Book, Monty Python
Multiple Signatures, Michael Rock
Muriel Cooper, Robert Wiesenberger, David Reinfurt
Museum Pictorial, Kate Morrell
My Grandfather’s Tree, Max Lamb
Mythologies, Roland Barthes
NO-ISBN: on self-publishing, Agnes Blaha, Leo Findeisen, Bernhard Cella
Nomadic Furniture, James Hennessey, Victor Papanek
Notes from the Cosmic Typewriter: The Life and Work of Dom Sylvester Houédard, Nicola Simpson
Notes on book design, Derek Birsdall
One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design education, Luke Wood and Brad Haylock
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, R. Buckminster Fuller
Passion for Print: An Incomplete Glossary of Print Terms
Peter Dreher: Just Painting, Anthony Spira and Kate Bush
Picasso and I, Ryan Gander
Please Come to the Show, David Senior
Post-Digital Print – The Mutation of Publishing since 1894, Alessandro Ludovico
Printed Matter / Drukwerk, Karel Martens
Process: A Tomato Project, Tomato
Publishing Manifestos
Rachel Whiteread
Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life, Adam Greenfield
Real Review #1
Real Review #2
Real Review #3
Reprint, Karel Martens
Richard Hollis designs for the Whitechapel, Christopher Wilson
Richard’s Bicycle Book, Richard Ballantine
Road and Rail Links between Sheffield and Manchester, Adam Murray
Rock / Music / Writings, Dan Graham
Roger Ackling: Between the Lines, Emma Kalkhoven
Seeing Things: Collected Writing on Art, Craft and Design, Alison Britton
Seven Hundred Penguins
Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design, Michael Bierut
Shoplifters #8: New Type Design, Actual Source
Shoplifters #9: DRAWINGS, Actual Source
Solution 11-167: The Book of Scotlands, Momus
Someday is Now: The Art of Corita Kent, Ian Berry, Michael Duncan
SPAN: Conversations on Design & Technology, Rob Giampietro, Amber Bravo
Spin/2: 50 Reading Lists
Statement and Counter-Statement: Notes on Experimental Jetset, Experimental Jetset
Studio Culture Now (2020), Mark Sinclair
Studio Culture: The secret life of the graphic design studio, Adrian Shaughnessy
Sugar in the Air, E. C. Large
Super Normal: Sensations of the Ordinary, Naoto Fukasawa
The Art of Looking Sideways, Alan Fletcher
The Artist by Himself: Self-portrait drawings from youth to old age, Joan Kinneir
The Craftsman, Richard Sennett
The Elements of Typographic Style, Robert Bringhurst
The Form of the Book Book, Fraser Muggeridge, Sara De Bondt
The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan
The Natural Enemies of Books: A Messy History of Women in Printing and Typography, MMS
The Portable John Latham, Antony Hudek, Athanasios Velios
The Puffin Book of Lettering, Tom Gourdie
The Stroke: theory of writing, Gerrit Noordzij
The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography, Ruari McLean
The World of Charles and Ray Eames, Catherine Ince
Thinking with Type, Ellen Lupton
Type Now, Fred Smeijers
Typographica, Rick Poynor
Typography papers #8: Modern typography in Britain: graphic design, politics, and society
Typography: A Very Short Introduction, Paul Luna
Uncorporate Identity, Metahaven
Unjustified texts, Robin Kinross
Ways of Hearing, Damon Krukowski
Ways of Seeing, John Berger
Ways of Working, Richard Hollis, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey
What is a designer: things, places, messages, Norman Potter
WIELS: The birth of a visual identity, Sara De Bondt
Willem Sandberg: Portrait of an Artist, Ank Leeuw Marcar
Wonder Years: Werkplaats Typografie, Lisette Smits