Online resources for e-books
I was asked to contribute some links to an online resource compiled by Occasional Papers.
This list of references was compiled on the occasion of the Post-print Publishing? event at Liverpool Biennial in July 2013. Compiled with help from Sam Baldwin, Vanessa Boni, James Goggin and Radovan Scasascia.
Here’s the full list:
- COPE (Create Once, Publish Everywhere) principle I
- COPE (Create Once, Publish Everywhere) principle II
- The Institute for the Future of the Book
- International Digital Publishing Forum
- Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI)
- OpenGLAM
- The Reader
- AA Ebooks (iTunes / Kindle)
- Artist’s Ebooks
- Art & Language
- Badlands
- Books Online
- Dexter Sinister / The Serving Library
- Enhanced Editions
- Fundación Cisneros
- Half Letter Press
- Mapp Editions
- Nieves
- Publication Studio
- Strelka Institute
- Triple Canopy
- Versions Publishing
Online art journals and magazines
- documenta 12 magazines
- dOCUMENTA (13)
- The Culture Machine
- e-Flux Journal
- The Exhibitionist
- Frieze
- Manifesta
- Mute
- Rhizome / The Download
- Tate Etc.
- Whitney Stories
- Works That Work
- Beyond the Printed Page: Museum Digital Publishing Bliki
- Bookfutures & Nearlywriting
- The Digital Reader
- ePub Zen Garden
- E-Shelf, X marks the Bokship
- Forward Retreat
- if:book
Conferences and talks
- Integration of Print and Digital Publishing Workflows at the Art Institute of Chicago
- LBF 2013 Digital Minds Conference
- Museums and the Web
The Transition to Online Scholarly Catalogues - New Art of Making Books
A conference at Winchester School of Art, 20 March 2013 - OSCI and Digital Publishing: The Technology Perspective
- Peter Bil’ak, Print and Digital
- James Bridle, Walter Benjamin’s Aura: Open Bookmarks and the Future Ebook
- Joe Clark, Web Standards for Ebooks
- Nick Disabato, Publication Standards Part 1: The Fragmented Present
- Nick Disabato, Publication Standards Part 2: A Standard Future
- Sean Dockray & Matthew Fuller, In The Paradise of Too Many Books
- Gavin Everall and Jane Rolo, Bring the Dead Back to Life
- Guardian Ebooks
- Sarah Hromack, Artists’ Ebooks Unbound: An Interview with James Bridle
- Sarah Hromack, A Thing Remade: A Conversation with Paul Chan
- Sarah Hromack, Off the Page
- Sarah Hromack, Ebooks and the Museum Machine
- Ferris Jabr, The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens
- LATITUDES, Expanding the Book: An Interview with Badlands Unlimited
- Graeme McMillan, Why Big Publishers Think Genre Fiction Like Sci-Fi Is the Future of E-Books
- Graeme McMillan, Why Big Publishers Think Genre Fiction Like Sci-Fi Is the Future of E-Books
- Craig Mod, Subcompact Publishing
- Craig Mod, Subcompact round up and The Daily
- Craig Mod, Platforming Books
- Craig Mod, Hack the Cover
- Kirstin Butler, The Late American Novel: Writers on the Future of Books
- Kirstin Butler, The Late American Novel: Writers on the Future of Books
- Alessandro Ludovico, Post-Digital Print – The Mutation of Publishing Since 1894
- Nik Rawlinson, How to Publish your own eBook
Artists’ projects
- CAMP, Edgeware Road
- Marine Hugonnier, The Unpermanent Book Project
- Rozsa Farkas & Tom Clark, Melika Ngombe Kolongo, Arcadiamissa
- Heidi Nelson
- Krissy Wilson, The Art of Google Books
- Jeu de Paume, Print Error
- Written Images
Production resources
- Amazon Kindle Forum
- Apple Author
- Biblioboard
- Booki
- Bookleteer
- Calibre
- EPUB check
- EPUB Validator
- Issuu and here
- Kobo
- Metamute tips and here
- PerfectPrepText
- Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis
- Preparing your InDesign [CS5.5] files for ePub export
- OSCI toolkit
- The People’s Ebook
- Smashwords
- Tools for testing your Ebooks
- Ubyu Books