Jock Kinneir Library
Jock Kinneir Library is an independent initiative dedicated to the work and teaching of the British graphic designer Jock Kinneir. The site is typeset in New Rail Alphabet, a revival of the British Rail alphabet designed by Margaret Calvert of Kinneir Calvert Associates in the early 1960s, kindly supplied by A2-Type for the project. A significant update to the website is currently in the works with an extensive amount of new material and texts.
![Jock Kinneir Library website homepage](/media/jkl-introduction.png?w=1280&q=50&auto=format)
![Portrait image of Jock Kinneir resizing across different viewport heights](/media/jkl-sam-baldwin-02.jpg?w=1280&q=50&auto=format)
![Article page](/media/jkl-andrew-haig-in-conversation.png?w=1280&q=50&auto=format)
![Introduction page](/media/jkl-introduction-fullpage.png?w=640&q=50&auto=format)
![Contents page](/media/jkl-fullpage.png?w=640&q=50&auto=format)
![Typography detail on an article page](/media/jockkinneirlibrary.org_peter-gyllan-in-conversation.png?w=1280&q=50&auto=format)
![Mobile design for the introduction page](/media/jkl-sam-baldwin-07.jpg?w=1280&q=50&auto=format)